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Foto do escritorAndre Perim


Atualizado: 20 de nov. de 2021

De junho a novembro estarei participando do evento "SoundPedro" , uma exposição multi-sensorial orientada para trabalhos artísticos acústicos. Assim como em 2020, o evento será apresentado apenas no formato virtual devido à Covid 19.

Em condições normais as apresentações são realizadas no Angels Gate Cultural Center em Los Angeles.

Apresentarei dois trabalhos "COAGULATION" e "INFOTOXICATION" este adaptado para o formato de aúdio.

From June to November I will take part in "SoundPedro", an ear-oriented multi-sensorial exhibition oriented towards acoustic artistic works. As in 2020, the event will be presented only in virtual format due to Covid 19. Under normal conditions, performances are held at the Angels Gate Cultural Center in Los Angeles.

I will present two works
"COAGULATION" and "INFOTOXICATION" is adapted to the audio format.

Featuring work by:

Andre Perim, Andrew Mandinach, (BET) Phoebe Barnum & Beth Elliot & Turdmeister, Black Silk, BlackSunHighDesert, Brandon Bollinge, Ching Ching Cheng, D A Ayer, Jeff Jacoby, Joshua Elza Breen-Tucci, Karena Massengill, Margo Harms, Martin Espino, Miser, Lucinda Trask Sasha, Ricardo Tomasz, Vedran Mehinovic, Ystalost, and more.

SynthLab (Alex Miller, Cameron Johnston, Cannibalistic Caterpillar, Christina Wilson, Faraday Cage, Jesse Nason, Loren Nerell, Ocular Bats - Tobias Banks, Putney Swope - Joseph Silva, Qrux, Rychard Cooper, univac).

Minha composição eletroacústica "COAGULATION" inspirada na alquimia foi premiada na Competição Internacional de Composição do site Sound Silence Thought.

My electroacoustic composition "COAGULATION" inspired by alchemy was awarded at the International Composition Competition on the Sound Silence Thought website.

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