Dágua 2014
Dágua ao vivo 2018
Efeitos colaterais 2017/2018
Projeto na web realizado durante uma internação devido ao tratamento de câncer
Project made for web produced during a hospitalization due to cancer treatment.
(7) Efeitos Colaterais - YouTube
Livro autobiográfico lançado em 2024-
AutoBiographical Book-Released in 2024
Festival Irradia-Radio Arte (Brasil)- 2024
Side Effects 2028
Album baseado no projeto Efeitos Colaterais
Album based on the web project “Efeitos Colaterais”
Programa de rádio na RTM FM Reino Unido- 2022-2024
Album based on the web project “Efeitos Colaterais”
Radio show broadcasted by RTM FM (UK) -2022-2024
Xamã 2019
Dedicado aos povos indígenas composto durante as queimadas da Amazônia em 2017
Dedicated to the indigenous people, composed during the Amazonian burning in 2017
-#Soundblast#8- Global e-missions -Nantes (France) 2019
-(AIR) As if radio... during the COP 26th Conference for Climate Change-Glasgow-(Scotland) 2019
-The Earth, Our Home- Technology and Critical Action- Sysgraph Digital Art Community 2022
-Earth Day Art Model 2020- Purdue School of Engineering and Technology- Indiana University -Purdue University Indianapolis
-The Sound of Violence-New Media Fest 2022- The Peace Marathon- Germany, Swiss, Italy, Greece
Turkey, Spain, Peru, USA.
-The Undae Radio-2023
-Soundscapes of Resistence(Chipre-Cyprus)-2024
-On air/On site- (Holand0- 2024
Xamã | Andre Perim (bandcamp.com)
Coagulation (2020)
Composição eletroacústica baseada no processo da alquimia
Electroaccoustic compisition based on the process of alchemy
-awarded by the SoundSilenceThought International Competition
-Audire Project- Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Mídia- Universidade do Minho- Coimbra (Portugal)
-SoundPedro (USA) 2021
-Word Listening Day 2021
-Radiophenia-Glasgow (Ireland) 2022
-Paysage Composés- APNÉÉS -Grenoble (France)- 2023
Baseado no filme mudo "Alice no País das Maravilhas" (1903- Cecil Hepworth)
Based on the silent movie "Alice in Wonderland"
Sell Online with an Exceptional eCommerce Site (youtube.com)
Pineal Dance
Com o Artista Visual FraktalMeister
with the Fractal Artist FraktalMeister
Nostalgia 2020
-Parte do projeto "City and Memory"- O Jardim das Laranjeiras
-Part of the "City and Memory" project- The Orange Garden
Arte sonora realizada nas feiras livres do Rio de Janeiro
Sound Art created in the popular markets in Rio de Janeiro
-Festival Ecos Urbanos (Mexico) 2021
-La Hora Acousmática (Argentina) 2022
-Eneagrama Festival (Argentina) 2022
-Transversal Sonora (Argentina) 2022
-Chigiana RadioArte VII- Siena (Italia-Italy) 2023
-Festival Irradia (Brasil) 2023
Unwanted Sound Appreciation Method
-#soundblast10 Nantes (França-France) 2022
Tupy or Not Tupy
Livre interpretação do manifesto antropofágico de Oswald de Andrade publicado em 1928
Parceria com o compositor João Pellegrino
Free interpretation of the Anthropophagic Manifest of Oswald de Andrade 1928
Partnership with the composer João Pellegrino
Tupy or not Tupy | Andre Perim (bandcamp.com)
Electronic Possession
-Glitch Art Br 2020 (Brasil)
-SoundPedro (USA) 2022
The Man With The X Ray Eyes Seconds Before Having His Secret Personality Revealed
-60 seconds -2022
Deus Ex-Machina
-SoundPedro (USA) 2023
-SoundPedro (USA) 2023
Digital Album- 2023
Nomad | Andre Perim (bandcamp.com)