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Now and After

Foto do escritor: Andre PerimAndre Perim

Atualizado: 17 de set. de 2021

The International Video Art Festival Now&After'20'21 will be held 7 – 26 September, 2021 at Winzavod Contemporary Art Center . We will present all works selected for participation in the festival in 2020 which was postponed to 2021 due to the epidemiological situation.

The theme of Now&After'20'21 is THE POSSIBILITIE OF COLOR

Now&After'20 venue is Winzavod Contemporary Art Center, Red Hall 4 Syromyannichesky Lane, 1/8, building 6.

o International Video Art Festival Now & After'20'21 será realizado de 7 a 26 de setembro de 2021 no Winzavod Contemporary Art Centre Moscou). O tema de Now & After'20'21 é A POSSIBILIDADE DE COR O local do Now & After'20 é o Winzavod Contemporary Art Centre, Red Hall 4 Syromyannichesky Lane, 1/8, edifício 6. O vernissage será realizado no dia 7 de setembro às 19h.


DAY BY DAY (LOCKDOWN 2020 COLORS) Anastasia Denisova, Maria Alina, Bored in the House, Russia, 2020, 20:00 Evgeny Berezin, Self-isolation, Russia, 2020, 2:16 Marina Fomenko, Portrait of the Shukhov Tower (Lockdown), Russia, 2020, 4:34 Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, When I Am Home Alone, Russia, 2020, 2:20 Andrew Binkley, Uncertain Times, USA, 2020, 7:35

RED: RITUAL AND TOXICITY Andre Perim, Infotoxication, Brasil, 2018, 4:49 Zhon-Zhon Sandyr, Kuchiran Yuri, Lud, Russia, 2019, 3:40 Natasha Dahnberg, Passion, Sweden, 2020, 10:12

NOT JUST AN IMAGE Shir Handelsman, Recitative, Israel, 2019, 5:00 Tooraj Khamenehzadeh, I’m Not a Song to Be Sung, USA, 2019, 3:36 Tseng Yu Chin, Scenery Other End, Taiwan, 2018, 9:11 Natasha Cantwell, Spinneret, Australia, 2018, 1:40

Este ano acontecerá a 10ª edição do International Video Art Festival Now & After
A exposição em Winzavod irá coletar trabalhos de todos os 48 participantes do Now & After'20, ambos os programas de competição e não-competição, de 22 países.
“Quando nos perguntam“ O que significam as palavras ‘vermelho’, azul ’,‘ preto ’,‘ branco ’?” podemos, é claro, apontar imediatamente para coisas que têm essas cores, - mas nossa capacidade de explicar o significado dessas palavras não vai além! ”
Ludwig Wittgenstein “Observações sobre a cor”
Artistas não precisam de palavras para expressar seu senso de cor. Em seus trabalhos, videoartistas de diferentes países exploram a cor como uma metáfora social, emocional ou cultural para mundos reais e virtuais, memória e possibilidades do futuro.
Curadora Marina Fomenko

This year there will be the 10th edition of International Video Art Festival Now&After


The exhibition at Winzavod will collect works of all 48 participants of Now&After’20, both competition and non-competition programs, from 22 countries.

“When we’re asked “What do the words ‘red’, blue’, ‘black’, ‘white’ mean?” we can, of course, immediately point to things which have these colours, — but our ability to explain the meanings of these words goes no further!”

Ludwig Wittgenstein “Remarks on Colour”

Artists don’t need words to express their sense of color. In their works, video artists from different countries explore color as a social, emotional or cultural metaphor for real and virtual worlds, memory and the possibilities of the future.

Curator Marina Fomenko

Photos-Marina Fomenko

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