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Foto do escritorAndre Perim

Connect 2020

Nessa semana , "INFOTOXICATION" foi apresentado no CONNECT VIDEO ART FESTIVAL na Flórida nos Estados Unidos. O festival aconteceu no Firehouse Cultural Center e teve o apoio da Universidade de Tampa.

This week, "INFOTOXICATION" was presented at the CONNECT VIDEO ART FESTIVAL in Florida in the United States. The festival took place at the Firehouse Cultural Center and was supported by the University of Tampa.

A música "Babel" do disco "Dágua " de 2014 na playlist da festa Jamba Jazz. Quem quiser conferir tem muita coisa boa lá!

The song "Babel" from the album "Dágua" 2014 in the playlist of the Jamba Jazz party. Anyone who wants to check it out has a lot of good stuff there!

No ar o segundo episódio do programa "O Cone do silêncio". Nesse programa o tema é: Canções praieiras: De Dorival Caymmi a Lulu Santos!

As músicas comentadas podem ser conferidas no link do spotfy abaixo.

On the air the second episode of the program "The Cone of silence". In this program the theme is: Beach songs: From Dorival Caymmi to Lulu Santos! (Unfortunatelly, only in english. ) The commented songs can be seen in the spotfy link below.

Um momento da gravação do programa com a música "Como uma onda" de Lulu Santos e Nelson Motta. No violão Weisenborn, André Boudon.

A moment of the recording of the program with the song "Como uma onda" by Lulu Santos and Nelson Motta. On the Weisenborn guitar, André Boudon.

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