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The Earth, Our home

Atualizado: 22 de jan. de 2022

Site da Exposição
Curadoria de Bonnie Mitchell e Jan Searleman

A exposição online ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community intitulada The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology and Critical Action é uma exposição de arte revisada por pares que explora questões ambientais e a relação da humanidade com a Terra e seus habitantes. Os participantes da exposição incluem artistas e cientistas de oito países diferentes e uma ampla gama de conhecimentos. Vinte obras exemplares foram selecionadas para esta importante exposição com base em sua relação com o tema, qualidade de expressão criativa e abordagem inovadora do tema. Os tipos de trabalho incluem arte de instalação, visualização científica, ambientes virtuais, internet art, videoarte, performance, animação, realidade aumentada, imagens digitais, dispositivos eletrônicos/robóticos, inteligência artificial, arte vestível e composições de áudio.

As obras exploram uma ampla gama de questões ambientais e sociais. O exame artístico e científico de solo contaminado, bactérias, plantas, plâncton microscópico e sistemas alimentares nos levam a questionar a noção de beleza e ponderar a questão da extinção. Trabalhos que focam na exploração agressiva do meio ambiente pela humanidade, no comportamento do consumidor, no apagamento dos modos de vida ancestrais e indígenas nos levam a questionar nossa percepção e atitude antropomórfica. Mutações não naturais, incêndios florestais, extração de madeira, secas e a interação de seres humanos com entidades não humanas são examinados e expostos de maneira provocativa. Os artistas também abordaram criativamente a mercantilização do dióxido de carbono, a poluição plástica, a indústria do petróleo e a interpretação dos dados.
A tecnologia teve um papel importante nas obras expostas nesta mostra. Usando ferramentas de imagem digital, sistemas de inteligência artificial, robótica, projeções, instrumentação científica e muito mais, os artistas são capazes de produzir obras que provocam pensamento e inspiram ação crítica.
Esperamos que gostem da exposição e que as obras nos ajudem a pensar em formas de criar uma relação equilibrada com a terra, a nossa casa.

Exhibition Website

Curated by Bonnie Mitchell and Jan Searleman

The ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community online exhibition entitled The Earth, Our Home: Art, Technology and Critical Action is a peer-reviewed art exhibition that explores environmental issues and humanity's relationship to the earth and its inhabitants. The participants in the exhibition include artists and scientists from eight different countries and a wide range of expertise. Twenty exemplary works were selected for this important exhibition based on their relationship to the theme, quality of creative expression, and innovative approach to the issue. The types of work include installation art, scientific visualization, virtual environments, internet art, video art, performance, animation, augmented reality, digital images, electronic / robotic devices, artificial intelligence, wearable art and audio compositions.

The works explore a wide range of environmental and social issues. Artistic and scientific examination of contaminated soil, bacteria, plants, microscopic plankton, and food systems lead us to question the notion of beauty and ponder the issue of extinction. Works that focus on humanity's aggressive exploitation of the environment, consumer behavior, erasure of ancestral and indigenous ways of life lead us to question our perception and anthropomorphic attitude. Non-natural mutations, wildfires, logging, droughts and the interaction of human with non-human entities are examined and exposed in provocative ways. Artists also creatively addressed the commodification of carbon dioxide, plastic pollution, the petroleum industry and the interpretation of data.

Technology played an important role in the works exhibited in this show. By using digital imaging tools, artificial intelligence systems, robotics, projections, scientific instrumentation, and more, the artists are able to produce works that provoke thought and inspire critical action.

We hope you enjoy the exhibition and that the works help us all think about ways to create a balanced relationship with the earth, our home.

Presenters (in order of presentation)

Julieta Aguilera - Making Visible in Local Space Diaa Ahmedien - The Carbon Farm Lee Arnold - Starry Messenger Deborah Cornell and Richard Cornell - Eclipse/Phase Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen - Pareidolia Mechthild Schmidt Feist - Engaged Media: Lalbagh TreeStory Eleanor Gates-Stuart and Sergio Moroni - Deep Rooted Vision Alexander Holland, Julian Rutten, Stanislav Roudavski - The Last of Their Kind Colin Ives - Generative Landscapes Mona Kasra and Matthew Burtner - Dwelling in the Enfolding Erica Kermani - =Well No. 1 Andre Perim - Xamã Mikey Peterson - Through The Rift phylum: Carlos Castellanos, Johnny DiBlasi and Bello Bello - Beauty Cynthia Beth Rubin and Susanne Menden-Deuer - Do Plankton Have Feelings? Vibeke Sorensen - Tree Dress Timothy Thomasson and Benjamin Keenan - 6000 Years: Visualising Human Non-human Interactions Carmen Gil Vrolijk - Hybris

Artistas adicionais na exibição (não presentes)

Yoon Chung Han - The Future is Red Jenna deBoisblanc - Netscapes


Presenters (in order of presentation)

Julieta Aguilera - Making Visible in Local Space Diaa Ahmedien - The Carbon Farm Lee Arnold - Starry Messenger Deborah Cornell and Richard Cornell - Eclipse/Phase Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen - Pareidolia Mechthild Schmidt Feist - Engaged Media: Lalbagh TreeStory Eleanor Gates-Stuart and Sergio Moroni - Deep Rooted Vision Alexander Holland, Julian Rutten, Stanislav Roudavski - The Last of Their Kind Colin Ives - Generative Landscapes Mona Kasra and Matthew Burtner - Dwelling in the Enfolding Erica Kermani - =Well No. 1 Andre Perim - Xamã Mikey Peterson - Through The Rift phylum: Carlos Castellanos, Johnny DiBlasi and Bello Bello - Beauty Cynthia Beth Rubin and Susanne Menden-Deuer - Do Plankton Have Feelings? Vibeke Sorensen - Tree Dress Timothy Thomasson and Benjamin Keenan - 6000 Years: Visualising Human Non-human Interactions Carmen Gil Vrolijk - Hybris

Additional Artists in the Exhibition (not able to present at this time)

Yoon Chung Han - The Future is Red Jenna deBoisblanc - Netscapes


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